Monetary donations are welcome and appreciated. The El Paso de Robles Area Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Your donations are tax deductible. The Carnegie Library is staffed solely by Historical Society volunteers. There are no paid positions. Donations are utilized for the preservation of our collections, research, digital newspaper collections, exhibits, educational outreach, and the ongoing operations & maintenance of the Carnegie Library. You may specify where you would like your donation to go toward. Thank you.
Donations can be made to:
El Paso de Robles Area Historical Society
P.O. Box 2875
Paso Robles, CA 93447
The El Paso de Robles Area Historical Society accepts donations of items that are of historical significance to the Paso Robles area. Our collections include, books, newspapers, maps, photographs, and other informational paper materials.
Due to space limitations, the El Paso de Robles Area Historical Society cannot accept donated materials unless you first submit a completed Potential Donation Form.
If you have an item(s) or document(s) that you believe would add to the Historical Society’s collection please use the potential donation form below to transmit a description of your proposed donation. Once the form is received, it will be forwarded to the Acquisitions Committee which will evaluate it as a new addition to the collection. If the committee chooses to accept your donation, you will be contacted regarding the next steps. If we are unable to accept your donation, we will recommend other local museums that may be a more appropriate site for the item(s).