Paso Robles History museum
Open Thursday - Saturday, 11 AM - 3PM | Sunday, 1 PM - 4 PM
Private tours are available by appointment.

The Virginia Peterson Research Library is open to everyone, whether working on a specific project or just browsing the collections. The Library is home to a diverse collection of materials documenting the history of Paso Robles and the surrounding area. We invite you to come in and explore these invaluable resources.
Stay informed
The Paso Robles Area Historical Society currently publishes a newsletter four times annually. Each issue is packed with news, features, and other information about the Society and the History Museum. Society Members receive each issue as part of their membership benefits. Anyone may request a subscription by becoming a member. ​
Members of the Historical Society are welcome to submit articles for consideration and inclusion in upcoming issues of the newsletter. Articles will be subject to editing for content and space requirements. Authors will be credited with their submission when published. For more information, please contact us at pasohistory1@gmail.com!
Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter by becoming a member!